Temperature | 19.8° F |
Heat Index | 14.9° F |
Wind Chill | 19.8° F |
Wind Speed | 0.8 mph from the N |
Barometer | 29.429 in. and Falling slowly |
Dewpoint | 10.6° F |
Humidity | 67% |
Rainfall | 0.00 in.* |
Current Rain Rate | 0.000 in./hour* |
High Temperature | 19.8° F at 2:58 PM |
Low Temperature | -3.4° F at 8:52 AM |
High Heat Index | 19.8° F at 2:58 PM |
Low Wind Chill | -3.4° F at 8:52 AM |
High Wind Speed | 4.3 mph from the N |
High Barometer | 29.699 in. at 12:05 AM |
Low Barometer | 29.429 in. at 2:59 PM |
High Dewpoint | 10.9° F at 2:10 PM |
Low Dewpoint | -7.3° F at 8:52 AM |
High Humidity | 89% at 11:07 AM |
Low Humidity | 66% at 2:57 PM |
Rainfall Last 24 Hours | 0.00 in.* |
High Rain Rate | 0.000 in./hour* |
High Temperature | 20.9° F on Wed |
Low Temperature | -3.4° F on Thu |
High Heat Index | 20.9° F on Wed |
Low Wind Chill | -2.1° F on Sat |
High Wind Speed | 2.0 mph on Sat |
High Barometer | 30.611 in. on Mon |
Low Barometer | 29.430 in. on Thu |
High Dewpoint | 13.2° F on Thu |
Low Dewpoint | -7.3° F on Sat |
High Humidity | 90.0% on Sat |
Low Humidity | 62.0% on Wed |
Rainfall Last 7 Days | 0.00 in.* |
High Temperature | 20.9° F on 2/12 |
Low Temperature | -8.5° F on 2/1 |
High Heat Index | 20.9° F on 2/12 |
Low Wind Chill | -8.5° F on 2/1 |
High Wind Speed | 4.3 mph on 2/13 |
High Barometer | 30.634 in. on 2/3 |
Low Barometer | 29.429 in. on 2/13 |
High Dewpoint | 13.3° F on 2/6 |
Low Dewpoint | -12.8° F on 2/1 |
High Humidity | 91% on 2/11 |
Low Humidity | 62% on 2/12 |
Monthly Rainfall | 0.00 in.* |
High Temperature | 43.3° F on 1/12 |
Low Temperature | -18.6° F on 1/3 |
High Heat Index | 43.3° F on 1/12 |
Low Wind Chill | -18.6° F on 1/3 |
High Wind Speed | 25.2 mph on 1/12 |
High Barometer | 30.634 in. on 2/3 |
Low Barometer | 28.709 in. on 1/6 |
High Dewpoint | 36.9° F on 1/25 |
Low Dewpoint | -23.1° F on 1/3 |
High Humidity | 96% on 1/6 |
Low Humidity | 0% on 1/27 |
Total Rainfall since 1/1/2024 | 3.64 in.* |
Last 24 Hours’ Weather
Last 48 Hours’ Weather
Last Week’s Weather
Last Month’s Weather
This information is provided solely for entertainment and personal enjoyment. It is not intended for use in aviation or maritime applications or any other area in which detailed knowledge of weather conditions is critical.
* Rainfall amounts might be inaccurate due to winter freezing and thawing or organic debris in the rain collector in the summer.
Location: Lat 61.713859, Lon -150.02162
Sunrise: 8:45 am | |
Sunset: 5:40 pm | |
Length of day: 08:55 (hours:minutes) | |
Change in light: 00:05:48 (hours:minutes:seconds) | |
Moonrise: 7:37 pm | |
Moonset: 9:11 am | |
Moon age: 16 days,2 hours,29 minutes,98% | |
Moon phase: 98% | |
Next New Moon: 00:45 UTC February 28 2025 | |
Next Full Moon: 06:55 UTC March 14 2025 |
Last updated at 3:00 PM on 02/13/2025
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